Insure your California Home Against Wildfires

Wildfire season seems to be both regular and alarming for modern California. While we can’t always control nature, we can take charge of doing our best to keep our home safe and family protected during this time. Murvay Insurance serves Newport Beach, CA, and wants to provide you with some safety tips for your home this fire season. Check out these ideas inspired by California’s Department of Insurance.

Structural Fire Safety

Make sure your home is safeguarded from fire. You can add many fire-safe features to your structure, such as a fire-resistant roof, ember-resistant vents, and non-combustible exterior wall bases. In addition to providing fire protection, these retrofits can often help reduce your insurance premiums as part of a comprehensive home insurance policy with wildfire coverage.

Landscape Fire Safety

Dried-out plants and wooden debris are essentially kindling to a wildfire. Don’t feed the flames. Instead, learn how to create a fire-resistant zone around your home and outbuildings. Clear combustible materials for at least 30 feet from your physical house. Trim trees, cut back trailing vines, and tear down that old rickety shed. In addition to reducing fire danger, you might also gain the added bonus of increased curb appeal.

Community Fire Safety

Communities are safer with a dedicated fire and emergency plan. Make sure your community understands the clear paths to evacuation in the event a fire approaches. Work with city, county, and forestry officials to minimize fire risk through cleanup events and reduce fire hazards such as backyard pits or fireworks. Utilize a system of volunteers to help lead efforts should an evacuation happen.

Review your fire insurance and make sure your policy is up to date. Contact Murvay Insurance serving Newport Beach, CA today!