Uncovering Gaps in Your Business Insurance With a Commercial Insurance Review

At Murvay Insurance, we understand. Business owners in the Newport Beach, CA, area are busy. There are customers to take care of, employees to manage, and bills to pay. It can be a challenge to keep up with day-to-day tasks, let alone add in a special project.

However, scheduling a business insurance review is one added task you should get on your list.

Businesses change over time, and the commercial policy you originally purchased may be inadequate. You may now have gaps. Here are some examples:

Lack of Flood Insurance

Flood insurance is not provided under a general commercial policy. A review can verify whether you have coverage for flooding.

Not Sufficient Liability Coverage

We live in a litigious society, and a slip and fall that causes an injury can be costly. What may once have seemed like enough liability protection may no longer be adequate.

Protection Against Cyber Crime

Cybercrime, identity theft, and security breaches are becoming more common and costly. If your commercial insurance is inadequate, a commercial insurance review can uncover problems.

Income Replacement Coverage

Even if your business is covered for damage due to weather or a fire, could it survive without income while it is being repaired? Income replacement coverage may be the answer.

Schedule Your Business Insurance Review Today

Contact us at Murvay Insurance for a no-cost, no-obligation commercial insurance review for your Newport Beach, CA, area business. We can even provide a price quote. Don’t have business insurance? We can get you started. Reach out to us today!