Home Insurance Do’s and Dont’s

Protecting your home means more than just installing a security system and locking up at night. A solid home insurance policy is one of the best ways to protect the investment you have made. At Murvay Insurance, serving Newport Beach, CA, we can help you better understand this vital type of coverage. Keep reading to learn about some home insurance do’s and don’ts that you should be aware of. 

Do Compare Rates

It would be best if you spent some time comparing the rates of different companies. This will be an essential long-term expense that you will invest in. You will want to make sure you are getting the best deal. 

Don’t Settle For General Coverage Amounts.

When you are ready to purchase a home insurance policy, you should know that there are both generic and customized coverage amounts. A general coverage amount will include a benefit amount that would equal the expense of repairing or replacing your home should it be lost or damaged. However, this amount of coverage will not consider the value of your personal belongings or anything of value on the property.

You will want to sit down with an insurance agent to get customized coverage. This professional can help you calculate the value of the belongings and upgrades that may have been done to the home.

Do Install Security 

Installing a security system could help you save on home insurance costs. The more you make sure your home is safe, the less of a risk you are to the insurance company. 

Don’t Let Insurance Lapse.

It is imperative that you always make payments on time to not experience a lapse in coverage. 

If you would like to learn more about our services, don’t hesitate to contact us at Murvay Insurance, serving Newport Beach, CA, and the surrounding areas.